Keeping Kids Entertained While Homebound

The current difficult situation can be an opportunity for parents to do a number of activities alongside their kids that support active, engaged learning. It is important to try to keep as much of that normalcy for kids as you can. If we encourage each other to share resources, a lot of times you’ll find fruitfulness in community-building, and helping each other in ways we usually don’t have time for, (or make a priority). It helps the kids feel like the world isn’t falling apart as it’s really easy for kids to feel depressed about how bad things are: I’m never going to go back to school. I’m never going to see my friends again. So it’s important to replace that with activities that are educational, empowering and involves reaching out to others as much as possible.

Let’s make this time a positive break in our routines, building positive new norms that will continue far after the coronavirus is a distant memory.

For some ideas see: Avoid Cabin Fever With These 125 Ideas to Keep Kids Entertained During the Coronavirus

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